| Humoralpathologisches Forschungslabor | HLB blood test

Proper blood sampling

Description of correct blood sampling

The finger-tip of the little finger to be thoroughly cleansed with alcohol.Let dry for 60 seconds.   Puncture with a lancet approx. 0,5 mm in dermis.   Press gently below the finger-tip with the help of your index finger and thumb until a small drop of blood is formed with an approx. diameter of 2,5 mm.
Wait for approx. 45 seconds until the slide can be brought to the finger.   Allow the slide to contact the finger-tip very gently until 5-6 blood drops, arranged in a row, have been transferred to the slide. It is important not to apply pressure. The slide should only touch the finger with its own weight.
Place the slide horizontally. The blood drops on the glass should dry by themselves for 5-10 minutes. Note the name of the patient and date on the slide and embed it in the accompanying container.
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